
Prioritizing Sanitary and SPS Investments for Market Access in Rwanda- 2021

Between 2021 and May 2022, COMESA supported the application of the P-IMA framework in Rwanda through a joint STDF and EIF supported project. The report, which was validated by national stakeholders in March 2021, is available here

Using P-IMA to prioritize SPS Capacity Building options in Rwanda- 2012

USAID/USDA used the P-IMA framework in Rwanda in 2012, in consultation with a limited number of national stakeholders, to inform its own decisions on funding for SPS capacity building. Based on the analysis, USAID approved funding for a scoping study (to be implemented by IITA) to determine the importance of aflatoxins in the Rwandan diet.

The experience in Rwanda prompted USAID/USDA to offer support for a second application of the P-IMA framework, this time as a country-led exercise with involvement of all the concerned SPS stakeholders. Rwandan stakeholders have confirmed their interest to apply the P-IMA work as an initiative of the national SPS committee, with support from COMESA. This work was scheduled for May 2013.

Rwanda MCDA report