
Les récits de projets et la publication sur les résultats montrent comment le STDF aide les agriculteurs, les transformateurs et les commerçants d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique latine à exporter des produits alimentaires et agricoles sûrs vers les marchés du monde entier.

Les produits du Togo à l'épreuve des organismes nuisibles: une passerelle vers les marchés mondiaux
Les abeilles de Nioué font le buzz
Améliorer l'accès aux marchés pour les fruits et légumes en provenance d'Ouganda
Des épices plus sûres: Améliorer la qualité et l'accès aux marchés pour les grains de poivre au Viet Nam, en RDP lao et au Cambodge
Shaping investment solutions to drive safe livestock trade in Tanzania
Coordinating action on aflatoxin control in Malawi
Coordinating regional SPS strategies to accelerate trade in Africa
Improving animal health legislation in Central America to
open up markets 
Safer fruit and vegetable exports secure livelihoods in Sri Lanka
Building food safety skills for shrimp farmers in Bangladesh 
Fight against fruit fly bears fruit, boosting safer trade in West Africa
Tracing the beef value chain to drive safer trade and exports from
Costa Rica 
Building SPS capactiy across Latin America and the Caribbean 
Championing feed and food safety across Africa, Asia and Latin America
Partnerships promote ginger exports and rural incomes in Nepal

Building confidence in regional trade through food inspection
in Central America and Dominican Republic

Partnerships in Senegal boost safe cabbage production and regional exports

Shaping knowledge solutions in animal health: the OIE PVS Tool
Expanding horizons for safe horticultural exports from Rwanda
Knowledge solutions on how safe wood packaging supports trade 

Driving knowledge on food safety in cocoa across Southeast Asia

Sri Lanka’s cinnamon exports get a competitive edge in global markets

Promoting safety in Nigeria's sesame and shea exports 

Supporting SPS investment priorities for better market access in Belize

Boosting safe fruit and vegetable exports from Thailand and
Viet Nam 

Meeting standards to drive agricultural exports from Nicaragua

Stronger phytosanitary controls help Uganda’s flower exports to grow


Supporting Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia to meet
pesticide standards for export

Centre of Phytosanitary Excellence (COPE) is protecting
agriculture and 
supporting trade across East and Central Africa