The purpose of the project is to build phytosanitary capacity in Guinea in line with recommendations from the phytosanitary capacity evaluation (PCE) carried out by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and consultations with national stakeholders. The project is aimed at improving: the legislative and regulatory framework for phytosanitary control; the technical and operational capacity of the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) to implement a risk-based phytosanitary inspection and certification system; and the capacity of operators in priority sectors to apply good practices. It is also expected to result in enhanced intergovernmental and public-private cooperation on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) matters.
These efforts are expected to help improve the compliance and competitiveness of Guinean agricultural products in an effort to promote access to international markets, contribute to food security and reduce poverty.
Although the agricultural sector plays an important role in Guineaβs economic and rural development, it is constrained by diminished interest from national and international operators. This is mainly due to a poor mastery of production techniques and, particularly, the presence of phytosanitary issues, which significantly affect production and exports. Despite having climate conditions and land that lend themselves to agricultural production and that allow for a wide range of crops to be grown, Guinea's post-harvest losses from key sectors are very high (estimated at between 60% and 85% for mangos, for example).
The PCE carried out by the IPPC in Guinea in 2017 drew attention to several institutional, infrastructural, operational and communication deficiencies in the countryβs phytosanitary system. The conclusions revealed an urgent need to implement a phytosanitary control system that conforms with international standards and, particularly, with a view to increasing exports and maintaining access to key markets. The conditions for access to the markets of partner countries, particularly those of the European Union, are becoming increasingly stringent on SPS matters.
This project was developed in 2018 through an STDF project preparation grant (PPGΒ 498). It involves structuring activities to address the main challenges identified, and in conjunction with past programmes such as the project to develop Guineaβs mango sector, and national and regional initiatives such as those of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The project specifically addresses the phytosanitary regulatory and operational system. It is aimed at improving monitoring, initially targeting two strategic sectors (mangos and potatoes) due to their socioeconomic importance and potential for market access. It also addresses the need to improve collaboration and partnerships between the NPPO and other public and private stakeholders in the SPS system.
In general, it is envisaged that the project will result in Guinea having greater capacity to meet its commitments under the IPPC and gaining credibility with its global trading partners.
An updated regulatory framework for the phytosanitary system
The PCE in Guinea recommended updating the legislative and regulatory framework. The improvement of the phytosanitary governance system is expected to strengthen the capacity of the NPPO services to perform their plant protection and phytosanitary control duties. This is expected to ensure that plants and plant products that are imported, exported or in transit within the country conform with international standards.
Legislative and regulatory texts in line with the IPPC and the World Trade Organisation Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures are being drafted and submitted for validation by the competent authorities. These activities will raise awareness among the public and private sectors of the NPPOβs missions and responsibilities. The improvement of phytosanitary governance is also expected to increase allocations of human and financial resources to the NPPO by the Guinean government.
Improved technical and operational procedures of the phytosanitary system and the NPPO
The project provides technical assistance to perform a risk analysis on at least one of the priority crops targeted and develop and validate a general monitoring plan for it. The list of phytosanitary quarantine bodies in Guinea is also being updated. The NPPO will be provided with an efficient system for monitoring and processing official notifications of interceptions due to quarantine pests and other SPS nonconformities. A quality management system is being set up within the NPPO.
Procedural manuals and technical data sheets are being developed for phytosanitary inspection and control in Guinea. Technical assistance for risk assessment will strengthen the phytosanitary control and certification system and reduce such weaknesses in the NPPO. These activities also serve in the implementation of the ECOWAS action plan to prevent, monitor and control plant pests and diseases, with a view to developing regional exports.
Enhanced capacity of public and private stakeholders to implement phytosanitary controls
A major part of the project entails developing and implementing a sustained program to build the capacity of various stakeholders. The activities take into account strengthening surveillance at entry points such as land borders, ports and airports. The project also provides inspectors with training on phytosanitary control for imports and exports, including sampling procedures.
The project recognizes that the vertical development of the SPS capacities of, for example, private operators and structures specialized in agricultural supervision and advice are having an impact on the conformity and competitiveness of agricultural products. As such, about 1,400 producers are receiving training on good agricultural, phytosanitary, hygiene and traceability practices to ensure better control in production chains.
Strengthened communication and partnership dynamics between stakeholders
Partnerships, collaboration and cooperation among the various stakeholders (the NPPO, other public and para-public services, professional organizations, private operators and consumer associations) are essential in an SPS system. The PCE demonstrated the need to improve collaboration, the communication of information and the partnership between the NPPO and the other public and private stakeholders in Guineaβs SPS system.
The project is aimed at strengthening communication and partnership dynamics between various stakeholders in the national control system through the implementation of consultation platforms. The organization of bi-annual or annual information meetings for different categories of stakeholders, including inspection services, customs, consumer associations and research agencies, will facilitate public-private and interministerial dialogue in Guinea.