Public-Private Partnerships

In many countries, government authorities and the private sector are working together to address SPS challenges and improve outcomes. PPPs have been the focus of STDF knowledge work since 2010. Many STDF projects promote public private collaboration, for instance, within value chains, on electronic certification and on the use of voluntary third-party assurance (vTPA) programmes. Find out more about STDF's PPP work below.

The vTPA Partnership Platform

The vTPA Partnership Platform, convened by UNIDO, mobilizes expertise and resources to support results under the STDF-funded regional vTPA projects in West Africa, East Africa and Central America. Public and private sector stakeholders with expertise on vTPA programmes participate. Click here to learn more. Read UNIDO/STDF vTPA Assessment Tool. 

STDF Public-Private Partnerships Practitioner Group

The STDF PPPs Practitioner Group aims to support and improve the planning, delivery and dissemination of STDF's work on PPPs. The STDF Secretariat convenes members of this Group to benefit from their expertise, exchange experiences and learning, and promote innovations and synergies to expand PPPs that facilitate safe trade.

More information about the PPP Practitioner Group is available here.

Spotlighting public-private partnerships to facilitate safe trade

To improve food safety, animal health and plant health in a country, government and business must work together on all fronts – from reforming policies to rolling out capacity-building projects to engaging actors along agri-food value chains – to ensure inclusive and sustainable results.

The STDF works to spotlight public-private partnerships (PPP) that strengthen sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) capacities to facilitate safe trade. These PPP case stories are examples of collaborative approaches in which the public and private sectors share responsibilities, resources and risks to achieve common objectives and mutual benefits. The partnerships can be related to STDF projects or go beyond.

Read the PPP case stories here.

STDF/IICA/UNIDO Survey to competent authorities on voluntary third-party assurance programmes

We conducted an online survey in cooperation with IICA and UNIDO to increase understanding of regulatory frameworks and practices related to voluntary third-party assurance (vTPA) programmes in food and feed safety. It links to the STDF regional pilots in West Africa and Central America.

Click the link and access the survey data story to get a glimpse on its key findings. Download the full report here.